ALIAS(ES): The Tomboy
DOB: October 21, 2020
GENDER: Female
BREED: Miniature American Shepherd
SIBLING: Mini Me aka My Personal Minion
COAT COLOR: Tri-color
WEIGHT: 19 pounds
BUILD: Toned/small breed
SPECIAL MARKS: Wiggle butt
Agent Ivy was brought home by her handler (code name: “Mom Terrie”) when she was 8 weeks old. Mom is a human physical therapist and started to notice Ivy’s intermittent limping and occasional clicking hips. She was proactive with the veterinary community at large to manage Ivy’s orthopedic issues – refer to agent’s health history for medical diagnosis and treatment. In spite of these early signs, Mom did not disengage and continued to prime Ivy for her role as a Furbassador.
We can neither confirm nor deny the regular “medical visits” did not also include agent training. Suffice it to say Agent was selected at a very young age, and despite any medical setbacks, her resilience and youthful energy make her a powerful asset for the Furbassador Program.
We have high expectations for her to achieve all of her missions. It is a formidable tool to be able to use her magical puppy eyes to extricate herself from tight situations or when her cover is compromised.
health history
- 7 months old: First felt clicking of right hip when picking up Ivy.
- 8 months old: Began to notice slight right hind lameness with occasional avoidance of weight bearing on R hind limb. Bilateral hip dysplasia confirmed by x-ray. Prescribed carprofen and Dasuquin.
- 10 months old: Left hip luxation (confirmed from radiographs) as a result of accident with gate. Non weight bearing on L hind limb. Prescribed Gabapentin and began using K9 HipLign™. Activity restrictions consisted of controlled leash walks and confinement during most of the day.
- 11 months old: Seen at a university veterinary orthopedic service and recommended continuing with conservative management secondary to her significant improvement with activity restriction and K9 HipLign™. Also to continue medication and come back for monthly rechecks.
- 1 year old. Left total hip replacement (THR) performed, followed by prolonged rehabilitation and regular follow ups with surgeon.
- 1.5 yrs old: Total return to activities with no issues.
- 2 years old/Nov. 2022: Noticed occasional hind limb lameness but unable to determine which limb and suspected that it was time to reevaluate right hind limb.
- Dec. 2022: Recheck at local veterinarian showed changes in total hip that were concerning.
- Jan. 2023: Diagnosis of L acetabular fracture with evidence of healing. Medically managed with activity restriction and monthly recheck through May 2023.
- May 2023: Surgery to remove implants when it was discovered fracture of acetabular cup and loosening of femoral implants on left, which essentially resulted in a Femoral Head Ostectomy (FHO).
- May 2023: Began structured rehabilitation and return to use of K9 HipLign™. Was still on restricted activities until discharge from rehabilitation in October 2023.
- Jan. 2024: Ivy continues to use the K9 HipLign™ when outside with free activities in a large fenced area for support.
- Excellent with chores around the farm.
- Herding skills extraordinaire.
- Natural born undercover agent.
Agent Ivy’s furbasssador role is to represent the population of post-surgery dogs using the K9 HipLign™ as a rehabilitation tool. She shows the world how an active lifestyle, and quality of life, can co-exist with a difficult diagnosis.
She lives up to her moniker of Tiny but Mighty. She is an energizer bunny trapped in a small dog’s body, unencumbered by her young yet complex medical history.

Contact us
P: (213) 927-6663
E: Contact@k9motion.com
W: K9motion.com